Twin Voyage Productions

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How To Make The Most Of Your Content


Content is the lifeblood of any marketing strategy. It's how you reach your customers, build relationships, and get new leads. This is especially true for businesses or brands interested in furthering their online presence. But even if you already have a ton of content to create from scratch, it can still be challenging to keep up with all your marketing tasks. That's why we've covered a few ways to reuse existing material to make sure you're consistently putting out quality content—and saving time along the way!

Cross Promote Your Content

One of the top ways to get more value out of your content is to use it across multiple platforms. Think about how many times you've seen a blog post or video that was shared on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. There are so many social channels available today that if you arent sharing your content across all of them, you could be missing out on huge opportunity.

Promoting your content across different social platforms is one way to increase the reach and impressions of your brand by increasing its overall online presence. What makes this even better is it doesn’t require much additional work. Often times its just as simple as checking a few extra boxes to share your content across platforms, depending on the app you’re using for social media.  for your product or service without trying too hard (and without having to create new content). Keep in mind, however, that not all platforms operate the same which brings us to our next point. 

Repurpose Your Content For New Audiences

Repurposing your content for new audiences is one of the easiest ways to keep your marketing machine going. This can mean creating additional content based on a popular piece that you've already published, or using an existing piece in a different way.

You may have seen this technique before: It's when you take an older blog post and turn it into a video or infographic, then share that content to another platform that favors videos and images over text. A simple example of this is to repurpose your latest blog post into a video for Youtube. It can even be taken one step further by turning that Youtube video into smaller, bite-sized clips that are perfect for sharing on Instagram Reels or Tiktok (more on this later).

But repurposing doesn't just have to be about reaching different people; it can also involve reaching the same audience in different ways. You might write a blog post about how to set up an Instagram account, then turn that into a cheat sheet infographic with links back to related articles on your website.

It's also important not just to reuse content but also keywords from one platform to another to help rank your content with seo. You never know where someone will find you!

Create A Content Library

The content library is one of the best ways to get ahead on your content creation. Here at Twin Voyage, we help many brands and businesses with this process. In this method you’ll batch create your content (typically a mixture of long and short form) and schedule the release of this content ahead of time. This strategy works well for those brands who may not have time or resources to login to their social channels and post on a regular basis.

When you're managing a large volume of content, it's important to keep track of what you have. A good way to do this is by creating a library of all your written and visual assets. This can be done manually or through the use of a CMS (Content Management System). Remember, getting started with a CMS does not have to be complicated; Google Drive and Dropbox are great platforms for just getting started.

A CMS allows you to store all your written and visual assets in one place so they're easy for others within your organization or team members who may not work directly with each other on projects every day. You can also create tags or categories for each piece of content so it's easier for people who want access to find what they need when they need it.

Bite-Sized Snacks

Who doesn’t love a great snack? When it comes to sharing content, creating bite-sized chunks of content is a great way to make your work more easily digestible, especially for those who are new to your brand.

According to Pew Research, people tend to consume most news stories in pieces and not as a whole. This means that if you want someone to read all of your full length articles, they have to be able to find them easily. If you post smaller pieces online, it's much easier for someone who doesn't know about you yet but may be interested in learning more about what you do just by clicking over from another website or social media platform.

It's easy for people who might not be invested in the details but still want some quick tips on how they can improve at something (like cooking or saving money) to spend 15 seconds learning something new. Therefore when repurposing your content into something bite-sized, think of it as releasing just the highlights one piece at a time.

Long Form Content Has Its Place

Even though we love our snacks, they could never take the place of a nice full course meal. Therefore, longer, more in depth pieces of content should still have a place in your content strategy as well.

If you're writing a piece or creating a video that requires more time to digest, or if you want to cover a topic in greater detail than usual, then this is the right format for you. You might also consider longer formats if your main audience tends to be interested in longer form content and has more time available on their hands--for example, people who work from home or are retired may be more likely than others to have time for in depth articles. After all, not everything can be covered in just a few seconds. 


We hope this post has been helpful in getting your creative juices flowing when it comes to repurposing your content. We know consistency with content creation can be difficult, that’s why repurposing your content is so important.  There are so many ways to reuse and repurpose, but we also know that you have limited time and resources. So we suggest starting small with one piece of content at a time until it becomes second nature for you!