Three Videos Artists Should Use To Promote Their Music
Music Video Tips, Video Marketing Richard Fields Music Video Tips, Video Marketing Richard Fields

Three Videos Artists Should Use To Promote Their Music

It can be a challenge to promote your music. Even if you're an established artist, it's always nice to get some extra promotion in the form of new fans and followers on social media. With Youtube being the number one music streaming platform and video content overtaking social media posts, artists should begin incorporating video into their music promotion. Fortunately, there are several different types of videos artists can create that will help them reach a larger audience and potentially sell more albums or tracks. In this post we will discuss three different types of videos artists can use to promote their music.

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Three Ways Artists Can Use Video To Promote Their Brand

Three Ways Artists Can Use Video To Promote Their Brand

Music is the universal language. It transcends racial, cultural, and language barriers across the world. Then why is it some artists struggle to connect with an audience, while others receive millions upon millions of streams? While there are many answers to this question; we will explore one solution to this problem - building a better connection between an artist and their potential audience. Combining video with social media is a great way to get your name out there. Here are three ways that artists can use video to promote their brand.

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Five Things To Consider Before Filming Your First Music Video
Music Video Tips, Filmmaking Tutorials Richard Fields Music Video Tips, Filmmaking Tutorials Richard Fields

Five Things To Consider Before Filming Your First Music Video

Music videos aren't just fun to watch, they're fun to make too! But if you're a musical artist in the early stages of your career and thinking about making your first music video, there are some things you should consider before diving in. Here are five tips that will help ensure you make a video that's watchable, enjoyable, and on-brand.

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